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Actinic BL TL-D(K) Secura

Actinic BL TL-D(K) Secura – additional safety and HACCP approval


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With an optimized spectrum matching the eye sensitivity of the housefly, Actinic BL TL-D(K) Secura lamps are perfect for attracting insects. They have virtually no UV-B output, and so are perfectly safe. In addition, they have a special "Secura" sleeve that keeps all glass and components together in the case of accidental breakage. This eliminates the risk of glass splinters showering down on food preparation areas, for example. And that is why it meets the strict HACCP requirements. What's more, with the lowest mercury content in the industry and being 100% lead-free, these lamps represent a very good environmental choice.


  • Perfectly matches the eye sensitivity of houseflies and in this way attracts more insects

  • Safe for use

  • Good environmental choice


  • Basso contenuto di mercurio


Insect traps, Electronic Fly Killers (EFKs)

Avvertenze e sicurezza

  • È estremamente improbabile che la rottura di una lampada possa avere conseguenze sulla salute dei consumatori. Nel caso in cui una lampada si rompa, ventilare la stanza per 30 minuti e rimuovere i frammenti, preferibilmente indossando dei guanti. Riporre i frammenti in una busta di plastica sigillata e smaltirli presso i luoghi opportuni per il riciclo. Non utilizzare un aspirapolvere.
