With an optimized spectrum matching the eye sensitivity of the housefly, Actinic BL TL(-K)/TL-D(-K)/TL-E/PL-S and PL-L lamps are perfect for attracting insects. They have virtually no UV-B output, and so are perfectly safe. What's more, with the lowest mercury content in the industry and being 100% lead-free, these lamps represent a very good environmental choice. Furthermore, the availability of a wide range of form factors (straight (T5, T8, T12), circular (TL-E) and compact (PL-S/PL-L)) and wattages enables you to make all kinds of designs for your electronic fly killers.
Perfectly matches the eye sensitivity of houseflies and in this way attracts more insects
Safe for use
Good environmental choice
Design freedom
Emits long-wave UV-A radiation in the 350-400nm range
UV-B/UV-A ratio less than 0.1 % (UV-B 280-315nm)
100% lead-free
Low mercury content
Compact lamp format
Insect traps, Electronic Fly Killers (EFKs)
Avvertenze e sicurezza
È estremamente improbabile che la rottura di una lampada possa avere conseguenze sulla salute dei consumatori. Nel caso in cui una lampada si rompa, ventilare la stanza per 30 minuti e rimuovere i frammenti, preferibilmente indossando dei guanti. Riporre i frammenti in una busta di plastica sigillata e smaltirli presso i luoghi opportuni per il riciclo. Non utilizzare un aspirapolvere.