Delicious Cook, a manufacturer of salads, sandwiches, soups and onigiri rice balls, found an effective way to improve quality and reduce costs when it moved indoors to grow ingredients.
Delicious Cook
Chiba Prefecture, Japan
I am amazed that our team with no cultivation experience, is producing consistent quality beyond our expectations
Customer challenge
The company’s strategy is to “reduce its consumption of outdoor-grown vegetables, and gradually transition to vegetables cultivated in the plant factory,” says plant factory manager Katsuhiro Takahashi. Using vegetables cultivated in a plant factory reduces the risk of foreign contaminants and greatly reduces the inspection burden.
The right lighting
The company is already supplying edible chrysanthemum for its soups. Because the herb is harvested in the plant factory and immediately processed in the food processing room next door, it is considerably fresher than chrysanthemum procured outside. In addition to its delicious taste and absence of contaminants, the company is impressed with the clean leaf shapes and consistent taste achieved across the seasons.
The plant factory has also helped improve the company’s brand image. Existing and prospective customers who were given guided tours of the plant factory were impressed with how tasty the vegetables were and with the quality of the cutting-edge facilities. Manager Katsuhiro Takahashi proudly commented, “No one imagined that our company would be able to deliver results so quickly.”
As a result, Delicious Cook may well decide to add a larger plant factory in the not-too-distant future.
Philips GreenPower LED production module
The production module is developed for multilayer cultivation in conditioned environments with little or no daylight.
Lower risk of food contaminants
City Farming
Edible chrysanthemum, coriander, kale, frilly lettuce, basil, Italian parsley, radishes
Narashino 7-1-25 Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Philips GreenPower LED production module
Lower risk of food contaminants, fresher and tastier vegetables and herbs, positive brand image
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