Improving the quality and success rate of propagation

Kernock Park Plants

Kernock Park Plants,

United Kingdom

Improving the quality and success rate of propagation. LED lights will be used a great deal more for both our motherstock and propagation in the future.

Not only are we seeing quality improved, I am able to program our buying-in of unrooted cuttings with greater certainty, knowing that we can supply plugs to our customers exactly when they require them.
- Bruce Harnett, Kernock Park Plants
Kernock Park Plants
Kernock Park Plants
Kernock Park Plants

The challenge

With a catalogue of nearly 1200 varieties, ranging from annuals to nursery stock, plus a further 400 varieties in trial, the challenge is to propagate all plants successfully. The production material comes from motherstock from the nursery, or is brought in as unrooted cuttings – tissue culture – from a number of sources, or from seed.

The right lighting

In 2011, trials started with LED lighting – with various light spectra – on propagated material. This small-scale trial provided sufficient encouragement to conduct a larger trial over propagation beds using 84% red light from Philips GreenPower LED production modules. GreenPower LED production modules offer increased control, improved and uniform crop quality, and energy savings of up to 75%.

The results were so positive that it was clear more trials should be held. In 2014, Philips was approached for advice on the way forward, including its then-new GreenPower LED toplighting modules. Delivering light levels typically ranging from 40-300 μmol/m2/s in a highly efficient way, GreenPower LED toplighting offers considerable opportunities to increase production and improve crop quality during the year.

The results with varieties known to be difficult to propagate were a revelation. In addition to a vastly improved success rate, in some cases it went from 30% to 96%. The rooting was quicker and botrytis control was limited to just one preventative spray.

Philips GreenPower LED production module

The production module is developed for multilayer cultivation in conditioned environments with little or no daylight.

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Philips is introducing an LED-based toplighting solution for greenhouse growers, easy to install and no need for water cooling systems.

It is a win/win situation

It is a win/win situation

The team

Kernock Park Plants


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