Expand control and quality

Frands Jepsen


Hinnerup, Denmark

Continuous systematic innovation has made Queen® one of the world’s premium growers of both potted and cut kalanchoes. Their facility includes modern greenhouses for the production and propagation of elite, virus-free plants, and chambers for climate optimization.

The number of buds increased up to 15% after having installed LED toplighting
- Frands Jepsen, Managing Director of the Queen brand
Rooting phase

The challenge

Since 1939, Queen has bred kalanchoes to make them more compact, something its customers value. “We are always searching for ways to optimize and speed up our production processes,” says Frands Jepsen. “We wanted to find a way to produce our plants with only LED, as heat can cause the plants to stretch". Queen was looking for a way to reduce plant temperatures to provide more consistent quality.

The right lighting

Queen had been successfully using Philips LED lighting in multilayer configurations since 2006. But their greenhouse area still used HPS fixtures; limiting flexibility, increasing heat and reducing growth rates. By expanding its LED lighting to three cultivation stages in 2017, Queen has gained immense control over its entire growth process.

In the multilayer rooting phase Queen upgraded its LED production modules to the second generation of its kind, to further optimize control and flexibility. “The kalanchoes really benefit from the LED’s red light,” says Frands Jepsen. “We get two to three days faster rooting, which is 25% faster, all year round.” 

In the greenhouse Queen added GreenPower LED toplighting to its existing HPS toplighting for use during the kalanchoe vegetative phase, the long-day phase of the crops. “LED toplighting has led up to 15 percent increase in our number of buds,” says Jepsen. “We also see more side shoots and higher numbers of buds on each side shoot.”

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Philips lighting introduced a LED-based toplighting solution for greenhouse growers, easy to install and no need for water colling systems.

Philips GreenPower LED production module

The energy-efficient LED production module gives off less heat and creates a more uniform light distribution, making the module ideal for conditioned environments.

Faster time to market

Faster time to market







Hinnerup, Denmark


GreenPower LED toplighting & GreenPower LED production module


• Increased light level by 30%

• 2-3 days faster rooting

• Year-round uniform production

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